
Why start a blog when I was convinced no one would read it. There are so many reasons not to. Blogs are past their prime, do a podcast instead. My writing is not polished enough to engage people. So many other, more well-established people write on the internet. And yes, why go through the trouble of writing when in all likelihood not many people will read it and it won’t make a difference. 

I’m hoping that convincing myself to start is the hardest part of this endeavor. If I never start then no one will see me fail. In fact, I can’t fail if I never start, right? 

The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, “woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel!” Many people throughout the history of the church share this same conviction. We need to do this. Why do I write? Because I want to preach the gospel. I write because I want to see the kingdom of God spread and for the church to fulfill its mission. I write to encourage those who are discouraged. I also write to advocate for a faithful expression of the church in the 21st century. 

Antithesis – It’s a noun that means the direct opposite. In philosophy it’s the contrast of the idea. The argument against. I chose this word as a title and a name for this endeavor because I see so many facets of our world where we are the antithesis to the ought. Part of this is for me. I need to see where God is saying the opposite of where I am and what I’m doing. We have these beliefs we develop, and because we want to be right, we shape the world to fit our beliefs. We bend everything to fit into our narrative, even if it means perverting the truth.

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